
The Newlin Music Prize is an award given to the best full-length album from the Richmond-Petersburg, VA metropolitan area based solely on artistic merit.

Named after musical prodigy, VCU professor, and performer Dika Newlin (1923-2006), the prize annually awards over $7,000 in the hope of fostering future recordings and performances.

The Newlin Music Prize is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit designated as a public charity 509(a)(2). The organization is modeled after similar music awards, such as the Polaris Music Prize and Mercury Prize. The ultimate aim of this organization and prize is to raise awareness of the diverse music scene in the Richmond, VA area and to encourage more great musical works to come out of the area. Since beginning in 2022, the Newlin Music Prize has awarded over $20,000 to Richmond-area musicians.

Previous winners of the Newlin Music Prize include:

Doug Nunnally

Board of Directors
Andrew Cothern
Doug Nunnally
Maggie Graff
Miranda Jean
Rian Moses-Hedrick

2025 Shortlist Committee

Andrew Cothern
Anthony Gillison
Doug Nunnally
Elijah Hedrick
Madi Thompson
Maggie Graff
Marilyn Drew Necci
Miranda Jean
Penny Page
Rian Moses-Hedrick
Sam Atkinson

2025 Jury Members
Aaron Brown (Musician)
Abby Huston (Musician)
Ace Stallings (Musician)
Alexa Taveras (Musician)
Allen Macuno (Musician)
Andee Arches (WRIR)
Andrew Cothern (RVA Playlist)
Andy Brown (Musician)
Annie Parnell (VPM)
Anthony Gillison (Musician)
Ash Moore (RPAA)
Ashley Park (Photographer)
Aster Watson (Musician)
Autumn Celeste (Musician)
Avery Fogarty (Musician)
Bella Salunga (Musician)
Beshaun Judkins (Musician)
Bethany Lansing (SCEEN)
Bri Bevan (Woman Crush Wednesday)
Brice Maddox (WRIR)
Brittani Barnes (Musician)
Caadria Carrington (Musiciain)
Caitlin Parker (Restless RVA)
Caleb Brooks (Musician)
Calvin Brown (Musiciain)
Cameron William Lovings (Musician)
Cara Pressley (Marketing)
Caroline Stokes (Soundtrack RVA)
Case Graham (Musician)
Charlie Schneider (Musician)
Chey Brumfield (Musician)
Chez Goodspeed (Musician)
Chloe Pallak (River City Sounds)
Chris McDonald (Restless RVA)
Chyna McCoy (Musician)
CJ Payne (Photographer / Journalist)
Clair Morgan (Nodderly)
Clara Endres (Journalist)
Cole Curry (River City Sounds)
Cora Martin (Musician)
Dash Lewis (Musician / Journalist)
Dave Parrish (Photographer)
Davy Jones (You Hear That, Style Weekly)
Dee Chadwick (Musician)
Delilah Truck (Musician)
Destiny Whiters (Musician)
Diamond Chanell (Musician)
Dionne Spencer (Musician)
Doug Nunnally (The Auricular)
Dylan Lawson (Musician)
Elaine Digges (Miss Elaine Neous)
Elijah Hedrick (HearRVA)
Emma Norist (Musician)
Erika Blatnik (Musician)
Errol Bateman (Musician)
Eugene Henry (Journalist)
Eva Wilson (Musician)
Griffin Smalley (Musician)
Hannah Goad (Musician)
Hilary Langford (Style Weekly)
Ivy Taylor (Musician)
Jackie Bishop Wells (Fallout)
Jam Montgomery (Musician)
Jason Crawford (Musician)
Jay Kole (Musician)
Jay Smack (StudioB, WRIR)
Jenna Greer (Musician)
Jennifer Kennedy (Artist)
Jess Klein (Musician)
Jewell Booker (Musician)
Jim Ivins (Musician)
Joel Worford (Musician)
Kaay Taurus (Musician)
Kaiana Lee (Journalist)
Katie Bowles (Musician)
Kayla Joy (Musician)
Kaylyn Vail (What Got Me Here?)
Kieran Cleary (Journalist)
Kimberly Frost (Photographer)
Kula Voncille (Musician)
Lauren Powell (Musician)
Lauren Salter (Musician)
Lauren Serpa (Photographer)
Leila Ferguson (Musician)
Liam McElroy (Musician)
Lucille Elliott (Riot Ghoul)
Luke Rabin (SCEEN)
Madi Thompson (Show Promoter)
Maggie Graff (Ignited)
Mara Smith (Musician)
Marc Cheatham (The Cheats Movement)
Marilyn Drew Necci (RVA Magazine)
Mark Obsorne (Show Promoter)
Marquis Hazlewood (Musician)
Mars Obsidian (Musician)
Mason Rowley (WVCW / Ink Magazine)
Matt Klimas (Musician)
Matt Luger (Musician)
Maura Garman (WRIR)
Max Rheese (Musician)
Maya Walters (WRIR)
Meighan Cahoon (Concert Cowgirl)
Mel Parker (Musician)
Melody Sanders (Musician)
Michelle Green (Musician)
Mike Ferster (Musician)
Mike Rutz (WRIR)
Miranda Jean (Photographer)
MJ Winn (Musician)
Naida Smyth (Musician)
Naomi Kent (Musician)
Nick Oukolov (Photographer)
Payton Baril (Hind Gallery)
Penny Page (WRIR)
Rajeanna Caldwell (Musician)
Randy Wilson (The Randy Wilson Podcast)
Rhiannon Smith (Musician)
Rian Moses-Hedrick (HearRVA)
Richy Jones (Musician)
Rivanna Youngpool (Promoter)
Roary McAdams (Zine Idles)
Robin Schwartzkopf (Virginia Tourism Corporation)
Sam Atkinson (Musician)
Sara Ortiz (Musician)
Sarah Moore Lindsay (Musician)
Sasha Peck (Musician)
Scott Clark (Musician)
Sean Lawrence (Musician)
Seth Jensen (Musician)
Shannon Cleary (WRIR, Commonwealth Of Notions)
Shavaughn Jackson (The Green Room)
Shelby Guest (Plan 9 Music)
Shelly Thiss (Musician)
Sophie Colette (Musician)
Sravani Kameswari (Musician)
Sterling Giles (RVA Magazine)
Stevie Johanson (Musician)
Tashi Gyatso (Musician)
Teri Lambert (Musician)
Timothy Bailey (Musician)
Timothy Maverick (Musician)
Todd Murray (Musician)
Todd Raviotta (Photographer)
Tom Breihan (Stereogum)
Tristan Kelley (Musician)
Tykera Monae (Musician)
Veronica Llano (Musician)
Vy Truong (Journalist)
Warren Campbell (Musician)
Yani Garrett (Journalist)


Can I submit an album for consideration?

There is no formal submission process. All recordings that meet the following qualifications are automatically eligible for the Newlin Music Prize:

    • From a musician or group in the Richmond-Petersburg metropolitan area (groups must have at least 75% members within the metro region)
    • Exceeds 25 minutes in length or contains at least five songs
    • Released in the past calendar year (Compilations, re-issues, deluxe versions, & live albums excluded)
    • Not a previous winner from the last calendar year (former nominees are allowed)

How is the short list determined?

Each member of the jury can nominate up to 40 albums that match the above qualifications. From those nominations, a ten person committee decides the shortlist with attention given to a plurality of nominations and stylistic representation.

How is the winner determined from the short list?

The jurors listen to each album on the short list and cast individual ballots that rank the 10 best albums from the 20 under consideration. There is also a public fan vote that will count towards one ballot in the final total. Fans can vote on their 10 favorites from the list and the 10 albums with the highest votes will make up the official fan ballot.

Who comprises the jury?

The jury comprises of 150 members of the Richmond music & arts scene, including musicians, journalists, radio hosts, artists, photographers, and activists, that cover local music in a variety of ways. 53% of the members on the jury identify as female, 34% identify as male, and 13% identify as non-binary. 52% of the members of the jury identify as white and 48% come from minority races (BIPOC). A list of current jury members is available to the left, and a full list of all past jury members can be viewed at this link.

How can I join the jury?

We are always looking for qualified jurors that bring a unique perspective to the nominating and voting process. If you are interested, please e-mail us at contact AT newlinmusicprize.com and send us all relevant information so that you may be considered for the following year’s prize.

Who is Dika Newlin?

Great question. Please visit this link to learn more about this composer, punk rocker, professor, Elvis impersonator, pianist, cabaret singer, and musical prodigy.

I have a different question that hasn’t been answered here. How do I reach you?

You can e-mail contact AT newlinmusicprize.com and you should receive a response in 48-72 hours. Please be clear in your question or request.